Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Pansensoy - Carreon
Leo Arnold 2nd Birthday

Photo and Video Coverage held at Alavar Seafood Restaurant.
The Son of Mr and Mrs. Irish Pejana.
On October 27, 2008, Leo will be leaving Philippines. They will gonna migrate at United Kingdom to start a new life.
Good Luck to you Leo!
Have a great future at UK.
God Speed!
Can Love Break an Age-old Tradition?
(A love story between a Muslim Boy and a Christian girl)(Adapted from true story)
Is two years too long for love to wait? Can love break the rules that prevail in one tribe? Love always gives much impact to our lives and even controls our totality in this world. But have you ever think of hindrances when it comes to love? Countless of obstacles are present when we come to discuss this matter. Now, we will be witnessing a love story which shudder every lover to jittery.
(Introducing our characters first, we have: )
Jethro – Muslim boy Lanyohan– Guard Fe– Christian girl (girlfriend of Jethro) Cahanap– Nova’s father Nova– Muslim wife of Jethro Bucoy - helper Welfred– Future husband of Fe romin - helper Alona – Jethro’s mother syed - helper Dan– Jethro’s father Neil - helper Kristyl – Nova’s bestfriend
(Fe and Jethro are busy doing their batch’s FS, thus they are benighted)
Fe: When do you think can we finish making this financial statement?Jethro: maybe, we can compile it all tomorrow.Fe: So you mean, we still have to come very early tomorrow to finish it?Jethro: Definitely. By the way, have you seen the receipts of the expenditures we had last week? Fe: Oh! I haven’t seen that. Better if we will look for it now.Jethro: Are you just all right? I think you are too tired!Fe: I don’t want you to look it by yourself. I have to help you.Jethro: Thank you Fe. You are always good to me even during our childhood days.Fe: That is my way of expressing my feelings.
(Both of them look the receipts one corner to another and they only stop looking for it when the guard comes and notifies them.)
Lanyohan: Hey! It’s already 11:30 and you are still here? What are you doing?Jethro: We are looking for the lost receipts.Lanyohan: Just search it tomorrow. I will now close the light.Fe: Ok! Jeth, come on. We need to go home now.Jethro: Ok…Ok!
Scene 2:( Jethro arrives home and his father shouts at him regarding his tardiness)
Dan: And where have you been? Can’t you notice the time? Alona: Jeth, you have to be responsible enough. Sooner or later, you will be bringing the name of our family.Jethro: what do you mean?Alona: It will be a surprise!Jethro: I hate surprises! Please tell it to me now.Dan: Behave son. Just be responsible enough. By the way, I will be meeting the governor of Basilan tomorrow.Jethro: For what dad?Dan: Political matters. Don’t mind my business.Alona: Jeth, you better arrange yourself at your room now.Jethro: Ok mom.
( Jethro goes inside the room. Alona and Dan discuss something strange.)
Alona: Hon, do you think it will be nice to our son’s part?Dan: Of course. He can’t refuse it because he is the only successor of our family and if he doesn’t…he is doomed to die.Alona: Hon? He is still our son and even if we turn the world up, side, down…he will still be a man of our own flesh and blood!Dan: How the people of Jolo will respect me if even our own son can’t respect his father. A ruler of one’s tribe must be at all times severe.Alona: But? Ah! Ok, I agree hon, I agree! (alona hesitates to voice out)
Scene 3:
(Governor Dan of Jolo visits Governor Cahanap of Basilan)
Dan: Hassala Malaykhum! I’m here to talk about the fast approaching wedding of your daughter and my son.Cahanap: Good to hear that! Is your son in favor with this arranged marriage?Dan: Yes! He is even more excited to see your daughter as soon as possible. Cahanap: My daughter doesn’t know it yet, but I believe with the kindness of her heart. She will just please me.Dan: Where is she now?Cahanap: She still has class now.
(Nova arrives home)
Nova: Dad? Am so tired! Oh! Sorry, sorry for the disturbance. By the way, Good afternoon, I’m Nova Jane.Dan: You don’t have to worry of anything. It’s just ok! In fact, am so glad to meet my future daughter-in-law.Nova: Daughter-in-law? Dad, will you please tell me about it?Cahanap: Yes! After your graduation, you will be married to Governor Dan’s son. Dan: That is the reason why I went here because it will be announced to the range of Basilan and Jolo.Cahanap: It will be a big surprise to all. What do you think?Nova: I will think for it. Excuse me.(Nova goes into her room)
Scene 4:
(Jethro and Fe are talking about their future)
Jethro: I could really feel the triumph to be a graduate, to have a work and of course, to have my own family with you Fe.Fe: Your father is the most powerful man in Jolo and do you think he’ll just let his son be married to a Christian woman?Jethro: Don’t think that Fe! If we really love each other, we stand to fight for our love.Fe: Are you aware of an arranged marriage which is common in your tribe?Jethro: I’m aware of that Fe, but as what I told you…We have to fight for our love.Fe: That is the reason why I can’t turn my back to you. You are so much caring.Jethro: It is the power of love Fe. Nothing else!
(Jethro places his hand to Fe’s shoulder and Fe does the same thing too.)(Alona sees Jethro and Fe at the bench just outside the campus and hides herself)
Scene 5:(Nova is all alone sitting at the bench then Kristyl comes.)
Kristyl: Hello Nov? Why are you sitting here all alone?(Nova denies talking with Kristyl as if she hears nothing.)Kristyl: What’s your problem? Please tell me!(Kristyl shakes Nova’s hand to bring her back to sanity)Kristyl: Nova? What are you gawking at?Nova: I’m not happy with my life. I don’t feel my freedom. I’m always imprisoned even before.Kristyl: What are you saying? Everyone praises you for your school performance and even praises your powerful father. You are to be thankful.Nova: My life is not worthy. And about my father? Yes! I love my father that’s why I always follow his command even to the extent that it deprives me to love others.Kristyl: What do you mean? Don’t say…Nova: Yes. In my age, I am already betrothed to a man I do not know. And what hurts more is that I wasn’t able to reveal my feelings to the real one I love even before.Kristyl: What if you convince your father to change his plan.Nova: I don’t want to disgrace my father. His will be done.Kristyl: I can’t help Nov, but to comfort you.(Kristyl hugs Nova)
Scene 6:(When Jethro arrives home, Alona slaps her and reveals the truth)
Alona: Have you no shame? Jethro: Why? Did I make some mistakes?Alona: Yes, a big mistake. I’ve seen you with that Christian woman outside the campus. You are giving shame to our family. You are not a good son!Jethro: Even before, you already knew her and why you are standing against us?Alona: Because your father is a ruler and people are giving us high regards among others.Jethro: Mom, I know I can’t please dad, but please help me. I count on you.Alona: I can’t help you because you are bringing our family’s name. No son of his own will betray his own tribe and if there is one, he is doomed to die.(Jethro closes his eyes and Alona goes outside)
Scene 7:
(Jethro meets Fe and tells her everything)
Jethro: Fe, I have something to tell you very important. Fe: Come on, speak to me.Jethro: My parents confide me last night about an arranged marriage.Fe: What? Jethro: You heard it right. My lineage keeps good record and it is impossible that I can please my father.Fe: Am still confused! Please make it clear.Jethro: I know you are aware of our prevailing and undying tradition…I am the successor of our family and I have to raise our surname on the portal of famousness by marrying a woman of the same tribe.Fe: Jeth, are you serious? How can we overcome it now?Jethro: I don’t know, I don’t know! I have to follow him Fe or else we are both doomed to die.Fe: Where is your promise? You told me that we will fight for our love. I prefer to die with you than to see you with others hand.Jethro: I don’t want you to die because of our tradition.Fe: But if you will marry another woman, it’s just like you’re killing me.Jethro: Fe, I promise…We will be spouses only in a paper, but never in reality. We will sleep in one room, but I will have a child only from you.Fe: (almost crying…) What if we will break the record of your tribe? We will fight for our love and let your undying tradition be blotted?Jethro: But how? Do you think we can?Fe: If we will die, then we save not only our love, but also the other lovers who are imprisoned by your tradition.Jethro: Fe, no son of my father will betray him. He is powerful.Fe: And if that is so, we can run away from here and live peacefully in another place.Jethro: Fe, don’t make it much miserable. I know how you feel, but just remember what I said. We will be spouses only in a sheet of paper.Fe: You can’t understand Jeth. You don’t feel what I feel.(Fe walks away. Jeth tries to chase her, but fails to do so)
Scene 8:
(Nova talks his father regarding their wedding)Nova: Dad? If I will be married with that guy, will I be staying with him? Will we sleep together? Eat together? Will you and Mom visit me there?Cahanap: My daughter, ever sweet daughter…Of course you will. Their family and our family will be one. And are you not happy that our family will be declared as the powerful one?Nova: I’m happy dad, but I got winded that Jethro of Jolo has his Christian girlfriend.Cahanap: What? (Standing angrily) If that is so, the wedding will be declared as soon as possible!Nova: What? How about that girl dad? She will feel like devastated! I can relate myself with her because I’m a girl too.Cahanap: Why are you talking me that way? Am I losing my directions? I know what I’m doing.Nova: Sorry dad.
Scene 9: (Both Dan and Cahanap prepares the one week wedding celebration)
Dan: The announcement of the wedding will be starting tomorrow.Cahanap: Ok! No problem. I will let my men declare the wedding to the whole world.Dan: And men will be shocked of our power’s connivance.(Both laugh in boasful way)
Scene 10:(People are all rejoicing for their wedding)(Kristyl, Bucoy, Neil, syed, romin, pepino are arranging the stage or the venue for guests.)Scene 11: (Fe remembers the wedding day of her boy friend)Fe: Will I go there? Will I let the pain kill me? How is he now? Is he happy with his wedding? Will go there for the last time? His mother knows me and I’m afraid she might insult me…Well, I should not go. I have to let the pain cease it silently. (Fe is almost crying)
Scene 12:
(Wedding day)(No conversation, just a music play of Muslim)(Nova is half smiling, likewise Jethro)(Kristyl, Nova’s best friend stands beside Nova)(ceed also stands beside Jethro)
Scene 13:(Nova is sitting at one corner and Jethro is also sitting at the other side)Nova: I have to be frank with my question. Aren’t you having your girl friend and you are planning to marry?Jethro: How did you know it?Nova: I got 2 million eyes!Jethro: I see! Maybe you open my friendster account…Right! You open it!Nova: Jeth, I can sense your sadness. Please don’t pretend you’re happy. I, myself is not happy with our situation now.Jethro: oh, you understand my situation.Nova: Yes. Like you, I also have my Christian boyfriend but he left me because of my father’s command. I want to see him again, but I don’t think I can.Jethro: Sorry Nova. I know you don’t like me, but we are just victims of this old-aged tradition.Nova: I understand..I understand.
Scene 14:{Narrator: After 2 years, Jethro is still in love with Fe. Nova already finds refuge in Jethro’s hand, but it only pains her every time Jethro mentions Fe. Within two years, they don’t have a child and Jethro still stands firm with his promise to Fe. Until one day, Nova skips her breakfast likewise her lunch. She locks herself inside her room facing the window}
(Jethro knocks at Nova’s door)
Jethro: Nova? Please come down. You skipped your breakfast. Don’t tell me you are going to skip your lunch again?
(After a few minutes, the door remains locked)
Jethro: Nova? Are you there? Nova?(Jethro gets the key in his pocket and open the door)(He finds Nova lying on her bed facing the window and is not sweating though sun rays direct her face)
Jethro: Nova? Nova? What happen to you?( he listens to the pulse and finds out that Nova is gone) Nova, I thought you’re strong, but why you give up? You die in your loneliness! Forgive me Nova. Forgive me.
Scene 15:(Right after the funeral, jethro looks for Fe. He goes to Fe’s house)Jethro: Good morning!!! Is any body here? (Two kiddies are running outside the old house of Fe)1st kid: Hello! To whom are you looking?Jethro: To Fe. Where is she?2nd kid: They went at the store, but they will just be back a few minutes.(The two kiddies play again)Jethro: Who are that two kiddies? (Talking to himself)
Scene 16:(Welfred and Fe are now going home)Welfred: What do you think the kiddies are doing now?Fe: As usual, they are now playing.Welfred: Oh, we have to hurry.Fe: Why?Welfred: I think, there’s a man waiting for us.Fe: Oh, you’re right!
Scene 17:(Fe and Welfred arrive and the scene of them shakes Jethro’s petrifying body)(As the sight of Jethro, fe loses her control and the things she carries fall down)
Fe: Jethro, is that you? Who drives you here?Jethro: I came just to regard you. Are you all right?Welfred: Yes! She will always be right with her husband.Jethro: And the two kiddies?Fe: Yes! They are my children.Jethro: Your children?Fe: by the way jeth, this is Welfred, my caring husband.Jethro: Hello! I’m Jethro, Fe’s friend.
(the two kiddies run to their parents. They both hug their parents)
1st kid: Mom, who is he?2nd kid: He’s looking for you mommy.Fe: He is a friend of mine. He’s Jethro. Greet your uncle children.1st & 2nd kids: Hello Tito Jethro!Jethro: hello kids.Fe: By the way, how are you with your wife?Welfred: Ah! You’re married Jeth?Jethro: Yes! And we are fine! (trying to hide his despaired feelings)Ah! I will not be staying here long. I still have my meeting.Welfred I’m glad to meet you. Fe, I’ll be going. Always take care of your family.Fe: Bye Jethro.Welfred: If you have your time, you are always welcome here.(Jethro directs himself away from Fe’s house without looking back again)
( Nova Jane P. Lacbao) Scriptwriter
Is two years too long for love to wait? Can love break the rules that prevail in one tribe? Love always gives much impact to our lives and even controls our totality in this world. But have you ever think of hindrances when it comes to love? Countless of obstacles are present when we come to discuss this matter. Now, we will be witnessing a love story which shudder every lover to jittery.
(Introducing our characters first, we have: )
Jethro – Muslim boy Lanyohan– Guard Fe– Christian girl (girlfriend of Jethro) Cahanap– Nova’s father Nova– Muslim wife of Jethro Bucoy - helper Welfred– Future husband of Fe romin - helper Alona – Jethro’s mother syed - helper Dan– Jethro’s father Neil - helper Kristyl – Nova’s bestfriend
(Fe and Jethro are busy doing their batch’s FS, thus they are benighted)
Fe: When do you think can we finish making this financial statement?Jethro: maybe, we can compile it all tomorrow.Fe: So you mean, we still have to come very early tomorrow to finish it?Jethro: Definitely. By the way, have you seen the receipts of the expenditures we had last week? Fe: Oh! I haven’t seen that. Better if we will look for it now.Jethro: Are you just all right? I think you are too tired!Fe: I don’t want you to look it by yourself. I have to help you.Jethro: Thank you Fe. You are always good to me even during our childhood days.Fe: That is my way of expressing my feelings.
(Both of them look the receipts one corner to another and they only stop looking for it when the guard comes and notifies them.)
Lanyohan: Hey! It’s already 11:30 and you are still here? What are you doing?Jethro: We are looking for the lost receipts.Lanyohan: Just search it tomorrow. I will now close the light.Fe: Ok! Jeth, come on. We need to go home now.Jethro: Ok…Ok!
Scene 2:( Jethro arrives home and his father shouts at him regarding his tardiness)
Dan: And where have you been? Can’t you notice the time? Alona: Jeth, you have to be responsible enough. Sooner or later, you will be bringing the name of our family.Jethro: what do you mean?Alona: It will be a surprise!Jethro: I hate surprises! Please tell it to me now.Dan: Behave son. Just be responsible enough. By the way, I will be meeting the governor of Basilan tomorrow.Jethro: For what dad?Dan: Political matters. Don’t mind my business.Alona: Jeth, you better arrange yourself at your room now.Jethro: Ok mom.
( Jethro goes inside the room. Alona and Dan discuss something strange.)
Alona: Hon, do you think it will be nice to our son’s part?Dan: Of course. He can’t refuse it because he is the only successor of our family and if he doesn’t…he is doomed to die.Alona: Hon? He is still our son and even if we turn the world up, side, down…he will still be a man of our own flesh and blood!Dan: How the people of Jolo will respect me if even our own son can’t respect his father. A ruler of one’s tribe must be at all times severe.Alona: But? Ah! Ok, I agree hon, I agree! (alona hesitates to voice out)
Scene 3:
(Governor Dan of Jolo visits Governor Cahanap of Basilan)
Dan: Hassala Malaykhum! I’m here to talk about the fast approaching wedding of your daughter and my son.Cahanap: Good to hear that! Is your son in favor with this arranged marriage?Dan: Yes! He is even more excited to see your daughter as soon as possible. Cahanap: My daughter doesn’t know it yet, but I believe with the kindness of her heart. She will just please me.Dan: Where is she now?Cahanap: She still has class now.
(Nova arrives home)
Nova: Dad? Am so tired! Oh! Sorry, sorry for the disturbance. By the way, Good afternoon, I’m Nova Jane.Dan: You don’t have to worry of anything. It’s just ok! In fact, am so glad to meet my future daughter-in-law.Nova: Daughter-in-law? Dad, will you please tell me about it?Cahanap: Yes! After your graduation, you will be married to Governor Dan’s son. Dan: That is the reason why I went here because it will be announced to the range of Basilan and Jolo.Cahanap: It will be a big surprise to all. What do you think?Nova: I will think for it. Excuse me.(Nova goes into her room)
Scene 4:
(Jethro and Fe are talking about their future)
Jethro: I could really feel the triumph to be a graduate, to have a work and of course, to have my own family with you Fe.Fe: Your father is the most powerful man in Jolo and do you think he’ll just let his son be married to a Christian woman?Jethro: Don’t think that Fe! If we really love each other, we stand to fight for our love.Fe: Are you aware of an arranged marriage which is common in your tribe?Jethro: I’m aware of that Fe, but as what I told you…We have to fight for our love.Fe: That is the reason why I can’t turn my back to you. You are so much caring.Jethro: It is the power of love Fe. Nothing else!
(Jethro places his hand to Fe’s shoulder and Fe does the same thing too.)(Alona sees Jethro and Fe at the bench just outside the campus and hides herself)
Scene 5:(Nova is all alone sitting at the bench then Kristyl comes.)
Kristyl: Hello Nov? Why are you sitting here all alone?(Nova denies talking with Kristyl as if she hears nothing.)Kristyl: What’s your problem? Please tell me!(Kristyl shakes Nova’s hand to bring her back to sanity)Kristyl: Nova? What are you gawking at?Nova: I’m not happy with my life. I don’t feel my freedom. I’m always imprisoned even before.Kristyl: What are you saying? Everyone praises you for your school performance and even praises your powerful father. You are to be thankful.Nova: My life is not worthy. And about my father? Yes! I love my father that’s why I always follow his command even to the extent that it deprives me to love others.Kristyl: What do you mean? Don’t say…Nova: Yes. In my age, I am already betrothed to a man I do not know. And what hurts more is that I wasn’t able to reveal my feelings to the real one I love even before.Kristyl: What if you convince your father to change his plan.Nova: I don’t want to disgrace my father. His will be done.Kristyl: I can’t help Nov, but to comfort you.(Kristyl hugs Nova)
Scene 6:(When Jethro arrives home, Alona slaps her and reveals the truth)
Alona: Have you no shame? Jethro: Why? Did I make some mistakes?Alona: Yes, a big mistake. I’ve seen you with that Christian woman outside the campus. You are giving shame to our family. You are not a good son!Jethro: Even before, you already knew her and why you are standing against us?Alona: Because your father is a ruler and people are giving us high regards among others.Jethro: Mom, I know I can’t please dad, but please help me. I count on you.Alona: I can’t help you because you are bringing our family’s name. No son of his own will betray his own tribe and if there is one, he is doomed to die.(Jethro closes his eyes and Alona goes outside)
Scene 7:
(Jethro meets Fe and tells her everything)
Jethro: Fe, I have something to tell you very important. Fe: Come on, speak to me.Jethro: My parents confide me last night about an arranged marriage.Fe: What? Jethro: You heard it right. My lineage keeps good record and it is impossible that I can please my father.Fe: Am still confused! Please make it clear.Jethro: I know you are aware of our prevailing and undying tradition…I am the successor of our family and I have to raise our surname on the portal of famousness by marrying a woman of the same tribe.Fe: Jeth, are you serious? How can we overcome it now?Jethro: I don’t know, I don’t know! I have to follow him Fe or else we are both doomed to die.Fe: Where is your promise? You told me that we will fight for our love. I prefer to die with you than to see you with others hand.Jethro: I don’t want you to die because of our tradition.Fe: But if you will marry another woman, it’s just like you’re killing me.Jethro: Fe, I promise…We will be spouses only in a paper, but never in reality. We will sleep in one room, but I will have a child only from you.Fe: (almost crying…) What if we will break the record of your tribe? We will fight for our love and let your undying tradition be blotted?Jethro: But how? Do you think we can?Fe: If we will die, then we save not only our love, but also the other lovers who are imprisoned by your tradition.Jethro: Fe, no son of my father will betray him. He is powerful.Fe: And if that is so, we can run away from here and live peacefully in another place.Jethro: Fe, don’t make it much miserable. I know how you feel, but just remember what I said. We will be spouses only in a sheet of paper.Fe: You can’t understand Jeth. You don’t feel what I feel.(Fe walks away. Jeth tries to chase her, but fails to do so)
Scene 8:
(Nova talks his father regarding their wedding)Nova: Dad? If I will be married with that guy, will I be staying with him? Will we sleep together? Eat together? Will you and Mom visit me there?Cahanap: My daughter, ever sweet daughter…Of course you will. Their family and our family will be one. And are you not happy that our family will be declared as the powerful one?Nova: I’m happy dad, but I got winded that Jethro of Jolo has his Christian girlfriend.Cahanap: What? (Standing angrily) If that is so, the wedding will be declared as soon as possible!Nova: What? How about that girl dad? She will feel like devastated! I can relate myself with her because I’m a girl too.Cahanap: Why are you talking me that way? Am I losing my directions? I know what I’m doing.Nova: Sorry dad.
Scene 9: (Both Dan and Cahanap prepares the one week wedding celebration)
Dan: The announcement of the wedding will be starting tomorrow.Cahanap: Ok! No problem. I will let my men declare the wedding to the whole world.Dan: And men will be shocked of our power’s connivance.(Both laugh in boasful way)
Scene 10:(People are all rejoicing for their wedding)(Kristyl, Bucoy, Neil, syed, romin, pepino are arranging the stage or the venue for guests.)Scene 11: (Fe remembers the wedding day of her boy friend)Fe: Will I go there? Will I let the pain kill me? How is he now? Is he happy with his wedding? Will go there for the last time? His mother knows me and I’m afraid she might insult me…Well, I should not go. I have to let the pain cease it silently. (Fe is almost crying)
Scene 12:
(Wedding day)(No conversation, just a music play of Muslim)(Nova is half smiling, likewise Jethro)(Kristyl, Nova’s best friend stands beside Nova)(ceed also stands beside Jethro)
Scene 13:(Nova is sitting at one corner and Jethro is also sitting at the other side)Nova: I have to be frank with my question. Aren’t you having your girl friend and you are planning to marry?Jethro: How did you know it?Nova: I got 2 million eyes!Jethro: I see! Maybe you open my friendster account…Right! You open it!Nova: Jeth, I can sense your sadness. Please don’t pretend you’re happy. I, myself is not happy with our situation now.Jethro: oh, you understand my situation.Nova: Yes. Like you, I also have my Christian boyfriend but he left me because of my father’s command. I want to see him again, but I don’t think I can.Jethro: Sorry Nova. I know you don’t like me, but we are just victims of this old-aged tradition.Nova: I understand..I understand.
Scene 14:{Narrator: After 2 years, Jethro is still in love with Fe. Nova already finds refuge in Jethro’s hand, but it only pains her every time Jethro mentions Fe. Within two years, they don’t have a child and Jethro still stands firm with his promise to Fe. Until one day, Nova skips her breakfast likewise her lunch. She locks herself inside her room facing the window}
(Jethro knocks at Nova’s door)
Jethro: Nova? Please come down. You skipped your breakfast. Don’t tell me you are going to skip your lunch again?
(After a few minutes, the door remains locked)
Jethro: Nova? Are you there? Nova?(Jethro gets the key in his pocket and open the door)(He finds Nova lying on her bed facing the window and is not sweating though sun rays direct her face)
Jethro: Nova? Nova? What happen to you?( he listens to the pulse and finds out that Nova is gone) Nova, I thought you’re strong, but why you give up? You die in your loneliness! Forgive me Nova. Forgive me.
Scene 15:(Right after the funeral, jethro looks for Fe. He goes to Fe’s house)Jethro: Good morning!!! Is any body here? (Two kiddies are running outside the old house of Fe)1st kid: Hello! To whom are you looking?Jethro: To Fe. Where is she?2nd kid: They went at the store, but they will just be back a few minutes.(The two kiddies play again)Jethro: Who are that two kiddies? (Talking to himself)
Scene 16:(Welfred and Fe are now going home)Welfred: What do you think the kiddies are doing now?Fe: As usual, they are now playing.Welfred: Oh, we have to hurry.Fe: Why?Welfred: I think, there’s a man waiting for us.Fe: Oh, you’re right!
Scene 17:(Fe and Welfred arrive and the scene of them shakes Jethro’s petrifying body)(As the sight of Jethro, fe loses her control and the things she carries fall down)
Fe: Jethro, is that you? Who drives you here?Jethro: I came just to regard you. Are you all right?Welfred: Yes! She will always be right with her husband.Jethro: And the two kiddies?Fe: Yes! They are my children.Jethro: Your children?Fe: by the way jeth, this is Welfred, my caring husband.Jethro: Hello! I’m Jethro, Fe’s friend.
(the two kiddies run to their parents. They both hug their parents)
1st kid: Mom, who is he?2nd kid: He’s looking for you mommy.Fe: He is a friend of mine. He’s Jethro. Greet your uncle children.1st & 2nd kids: Hello Tito Jethro!Jethro: hello kids.Fe: By the way, how are you with your wife?Welfred: Ah! You’re married Jeth?Jethro: Yes! And we are fine! (trying to hide his despaired feelings)Ah! I will not be staying here long. I still have my meeting.Welfred I’m glad to meet you. Fe, I’ll be going. Always take care of your family.Fe: Bye Jethro.Welfred: If you have your time, you are always welcome here.(Jethro directs himself away from Fe’s house without looking back again)
( Nova Jane P. Lacbao) Scriptwriter
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Featuring Taj & Wyn Guest Poster
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Love versus Lust in the Bible
One of love's definitions is "unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another. In Corinthians 13:4-8 it says "love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all thins, hope all things, endures all things, Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will ceases; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away"
Lusts are unlawful desires. Lust wanting something to which you have no right. Jesus explained in Matthew 5:27-28 that lusting after a woman is the same as actually committing adultery with her. Similarly, a woman is the same as actually doing so. You see - your heart directs your actions. Solomon said you behave in the same manner as you think in your heart (Proverbs 23:7). It is the thoughts of the heart that defile us because they lead to sinful action (Mark 17:18-23).
Love is an intense feeling of affection and care towards another person. It is a profound and caring attraction. On the other hand, lust is a strong desire of a sexual nature.
Lusts are unlawful desires. Lust wanting something to which you have no right. Jesus explained in Matthew 5:27-28 that lusting after a woman is the same as actually committing adultery with her. Similarly, a woman is the same as actually doing so. You see - your heart directs your actions. Solomon said you behave in the same manner as you think in your heart (Proverbs 23:7). It is the thoughts of the heart that defile us because they lead to sinful action (Mark 17:18-23).
Love is an intense feeling of affection and care towards another person. It is a profound and caring attraction. On the other hand, lust is a strong desire of a sexual nature.
rhiza_ganda video
This is riz when she was still connected at Horizon Wi-fi Company.
Take a look of her video during spare time.
Take a look of her video during spare time.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Word
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.John 1:1 (KJV)
Who was the Word in John 1:1 according to the verse itself?
The answer is very clear. It was God. And who is this God?
Psalms 82:8 Arise, O God, judge the earth:
The Bible is explicit in saying. It is the One that will judge the earth.
But who is this Word that will judge the earth, which according to John 1:1, was a God.
48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. 49 For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me,John 12:48-49 (KJV)
Jesus said there is one that will judge in the last day. Who is it? He said, it is the one He has spoken. Who is this One He has spoken? Was it Himself? Jesus said "I have not spoken of myself." Then, if Jesus was not the Word that will judge everyman in the last day, then who? Jesus answers "I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me."
What is these words He spake concerning the Father, that if anyone rejects, he will be judged and will not have eternal life?
These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father,... John 17:1 (KJV)
What about the Father?
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. John 17:3 (KJV)
The Father, who sent Jesus Christ, is the only true God.
Therefore in John 1:1, it was the Father who is said to be the Word and not Jesus Christ.
Anyone who include additional persons in the godhead, beside the Father, will not have eternal life.
Who was the Word in John 1:1 according to the verse itself?
The answer is very clear. It was God. And who is this God?
Psalms 82:8 Arise, O God, judge the earth:
The Bible is explicit in saying. It is the One that will judge the earth.
But who is this Word that will judge the earth, which according to John 1:1, was a God.
48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. 49 For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me,John 12:48-49 (KJV)
Jesus said there is one that will judge in the last day. Who is it? He said, it is the one He has spoken. Who is this One He has spoken? Was it Himself? Jesus said "I have not spoken of myself." Then, if Jesus was not the Word that will judge everyman in the last day, then who? Jesus answers "I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me."
What is these words He spake concerning the Father, that if anyone rejects, he will be judged and will not have eternal life?
These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father,... John 17:1 (KJV)
What about the Father?
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. John 17:3 (KJV)
The Father, who sent Jesus Christ, is the only true God.
Therefore in John 1:1, it was the Father who is said to be the Word and not Jesus Christ.
Anyone who include additional persons in the godhead, beside the Father, will not have eternal life.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
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